The change of damping force with stimulation current and the piston velocity was calculated by means of the Bingham model. 采用宾汉模型计算了阻尼力随激励电流、活塞运动速度的变化。
Experiment and analysis for damping force of an MRF damper in semi-active vibration control suspension systems; 履带车辆磁流变减振器半主动悬挂系统,是未来高速履带车辆悬挂系统的发展方向。
When the shock-absorber bounce is low, the control piston moves oil through the bypass duct so that a lower damping force is produced at the actual shock-absorber valve. 减振器的振幅较小时,控制活塞通过旁通孔过油,这样,现有的减振器阀组产生了较低的阻尼力。
Research of Non-Linear Model for Vertical Damping Force of Air Springs 空气弹簧垂向减振力非线性模型研究扭振减振[阻尼]器
However, under higher electrical currents, inverse connecting of adjacent coils is apt to reduce increment speed of magnetic resistance and hence improve damping force of MRF damper. 但在高电流情况下,反接相邻线圈可以降低磁路磁阻的增长速度,从而有利于提高其阻尼力。
Research on damping force regulation of magneto-rheological damper based on vehicle suspension 汽车悬架的磁流变减振器阻尼力调节特性的研究
This paper studies on damping force in inertia channel of engine hydraulic mount based on fluid mechanics theory, the mathematics model and mechanics model of hydraulic mount is present. 从流体力学的角度,推导出液体在惯性通道内流动时阻尼力的表达式,得出液体流过惯性通道的阻尼与液体的密度、粘度、惯性通道的直径、惯性通道长度有关的结论。
The design curves of equivalent damping ratio to the brace stiffness, and ratio of maximum damping force of the damping device to the inter-story yield shear force of the structure are proposed. 本文就消能减震结构设计参数,即消能部件的支撑刚度、层间最大阻尼力与结构层间屈服力比值等恢复力模型参数的选取进行了讨论。
If the excitation of the shock absorber is greater, the control piston moves to its limit position so that oil ceases flowing through the bypass duct, meaning that the full damping force is available. 如果减振器的振幅变大,控制活塞会移动到它的极限位置然后会终止旁通孔的油路,从而开始提供完全的阻尼力。
Gas-filled shock absorber injected with pure N2, which not only keeps stability of damping force, but also reduce aerification and foaming, meanwhile, extend the effective life. 气压式内充入纯氮气,不仅可保持阻尼的稳定性,还可减少油液汽化及泡沫化,延长产品有效寿命。
Design and Research of MR Damper for Small Displacement& Big Damping Force 一种小位移大阻尼力磁流变阻尼器的设计与研究
In the paper, influence of human body-javelin system to javelin flight initial condition was studied, and javelin flight with air damping force was simulated by computer. 本文主要研究了人体-标枪系统对标枪飞行初始条件的影响,并且在考虑空气阻力的情况下对标枪的飞行进行了计算机模拟。
Influencing Factor and Sensitivity Analysis on the Damping Force of Vehicle Mono-tube and Air-charged MRF Damper 车辆单筒充气磁流变减振器的阻尼力影响因素及灵敏度分析
According to the constitutive relation of the fluid, academic model for calculating damping force of viscous damper is first developed. 在幂律流体本构关系的基础上,建立了粘滞阻尼器的阻尼力计算模型。
The damping force from the sliding mode controller is determined based on the equivalent control force. 根据滑模面上的等效控制力,确定半主动悬架的实时控制阻尼力。
In heavy oil production, the friction damping force that the pump rod may stand during its movement in liquid may be as big as tens of kilo-newtons. 在稠油开采中,抽油杆在液体中运动时,所受到的摩擦阻尼力很大,有时高达几十千牛。
Measurement of equivalent damping force of TMD based on semi-simulation experimental testing system 基于半仿真实验系统的调谐质量阻尼器等效阻尼力测量
Using MATLAB to carrying out simulation and analyzed the law of affection of the structural parameters of foam metal on the damping force. 利用MATLAB进行了仿真,分析了泡沫金属的结构参数对阻尼力影响规律。
In addition to the well-known viscous damping force, the proposed force model includes the Coulomb damping force which accounts for the effect of water soakage on materials of cable surface. 利用浸润学及普朗特边界层理论,提出拉索表面与水线之间作用力包括库仑阻尼力和粘性阻尼力。
Based on the elasto-perfectly plastic constitutive relation, two damping force models of lead shear dampers are deduced. 铅剪切阻尼器是一种耗能性能优越、构造简单而又十分经济的耗能减震控制装置。
Structural design and performance prediction of MR damper with bidirectional adjusting damping force 阻尼力双向调节磁流变阻尼器的结构设计与性能预估
The damping force model of the damper and the nonlinear mathematical model of vibration reduction system are established. 建立了新型磁流体阻尼器的阻尼力模型及其减振系统的非线性数学模型。
The main factors that affect its performance are its damping force and stiffness. 影响其性能的主要因素是阻尼力和刚度。
The monotonicity analysis was applied to optimize the suspension stiffness, damping force coefficient and tyre stiffness. 采用单调性分析法优选悬挂刚度、阻尼系数及轮胎刚度。
Damping force can be controlled in one of the two ways, open loop control or force feedback control. 这样在研究中,可以采用开环控制方式或力反馈控制方式实现阻尼力的控制。
The effect of viscous damping force on the vibration of composite laminates was investigated through numerical examples. 通过数值实例研究了粘滞阻尼对复合材料层合板振动的影响。
The characteristic of ER damper is adjustable by electric filed strength for electric damping force. 电流变减振器的特点就在于可以通过调节电场强度来控制电致阻尼力,达到调节复原和压缩阻尼力的目的。
Simplified analysis solutions are obtained for damping force and damping coefficient. 得到了阻尼力和阻尼系数的简化解析解。
Based on Bingham plasticity model, the damping force experimental model of MR fluid damper is put forward. 基于Bingham塑性模型提出了磁流变减振器阻尼力的实验模型。
The important characteristic of lead extrusion damper is the damping force hysteresis loop. 铅挤压阻尼器最重要的特性之一就是它的阻尼力-位移滞回曲线。